Portland Metro/Tigard Real Estate News

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Crawfish of the Caribbean

That is the theme for the 58th annual Crawfish Festival in Tualatin on Friday and Saturday August 8th & 9th. This year there is a Crawfish of the Caribbean Treasure Hunt. Clues will lead participants to various locations with a grand prize of a 42-inch flat-screen TV donated by West Coast Bank.

Also new this year will be the “Teen Scene” activities. Events such as a skate demonstration by members of the official Exit Real World team, an urban dance performance by Hip Hop Handbook and a free basketball clinic for pre-high school students by the Trail Blazer organization.

And just when you thought it wasn't exciting enough, the festival will be incorporating the TualaFest Battle of the Bands on Friday night at the Tualatin Community Park where local teenage bands compete for the TualaFest title.

Then the next night local blues musician Curtis Salgado will perform on the main stage from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

One thing that will never change, the Crawfish Cook-off on Friday night, and Saturday’s food court will feature more crawfish recipes than ever. Not to mention the crawfish eating contest and the parade.

Anyone wanting additional information about the Tualatin Crawfish Festival can visit www.tualatincrawfishfestival.com or call the Tualatin Chamber of Commerce at 503-692-0780. For advertising and further press inquiries contact Amanda Dalton at 503-639-8043.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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